All Things Food

All Things Food!

Hi guys! Before I get into this weeks topic, I would like to say a MASSIVE thank you for all the love and support from my first blog. If you've not read it, please check it out 😊

Todays blog is about all things food (my fav, obvs 😆). The main topic will be dieting (stupid word) and will also include intermittent fasting and one of my fav recipes; Chocolate and Banana Pancakes!
Before I start, I feel like we need a 'stupid word' box..

If you deem a word to be stupid af and want it to be added to the 'stupid word' box, please comment below. 

So Diet. I absolutely despise the word Diet. Fucking hate it. They never work and if they do, sooner rather than later you pile the weight back on (AND maybe more!). They are a short term solution to a long term problem. Like comfort eating; its a vicious cycle. Dieting can also affect your relationship with food, which depending on ones mental state can be dangerous. Restricting yourself of certain food groups is not healthy. Everyone needs carbs and fat. Yes you read that right; FAT. But not the 'large big mac meal with mozzarella dippers, an apple pie and chocolate muffin' type; the boring healthy fats. Lets face it, unless you love avocado on toast and walnuts, its fucking boring 😭 Although, there is a wide variety, not just those - still boring though 😆 With that said, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the finer things in life. It's all about moderation and portion control. 

In order to feel fitter and healthier you need to change your lifestyle - when you eat, how you eat (that's right) and what you eat, amongst moving your body more. 

When are you eating? Eating late at night is never a good idea (believe me - one too many late night snacks 🙈). As the evening progresses your metabolism slows and your body is preparing for rest. So if you fancy a carb fuelled meal have it a breakfast time, that way you burn it off throughout the day. Win win! Intermittent fasting is a great way to detox and boost your metabolism. In a nutshell, you don't eat for 15/16 hours and when you do you shorten the amount of time you eat, ideally 8/9 hours within a 24 hour period. This form of fasting does not restrict nor forbid certain food groups, nor does it require you to decrease your overall food intake. I aim to do this once or twice a week and recommend anyone new to do this too (that's if you want to). Side note: if you're one of those people that eats what they want when they want and never puts weight on, I hate you 😉 

How are you eating? If you inhale your food like me, remind yourself to chew. Chewing your food thoroughly helps your body to digest food quicker and you feel less bloated. 

What are you eating? Eating a high fibre breakfast helps to fuel your body quicker and leaves you feeling fuller for longer! By having your daily dose of porridge (worked for Goldilocks) you are less lightly to snack. Pair your porridge with banana or apple and a sprinkle of cinnamon (fucking beaut 😋). Fancy a snack? Grab a handful of nuts - walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts. Avoid dried fruit. Even though it seems to be healthy, dried fruit contain excess sugar to preserve it. 

Get moving more! If you're a newbie to fitness and want to ease yourself in, this doesn't mean run everyday and squat press 50kg. Simply start by upping your daily steps. Take a 10 minute walk on your dinner break or march on the spot whilst you're binge watching friends. To help you keep track of your steps and give you the motivation you need, I highly recommend a Fitbit (LOVE mine). You are able to set goals (and reminders) and tailor your exercise regime to you and your lifestyle. Any form of exercise releases endorphins, meaning that you feel great afterwards. It helps you to destress and relax, that alone is worth it! Trust me, you will never regret a workout once you've completed it 💪

Once you've completed your exercise and worked up an appetite, you can tuck into the Healthy Chocolate and Banana Pancakes! The best bit about this healthy lifestyle malarkey is the eating! Downside: you have to make the food (ffs..), BUT if you train your partner well then you won't have to! This is where Luis comes in 😂 He has his uses! 


  •  1 Banana
  •  20g Oats
  •  1 Tablespoon Cacao Powder
  •  1 Egg
  •  Milk or Water
  •  1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence


  1. Break 1/2 of a Banana into several pieces and place into a blender. This could be a Nutri-bullet or hand blender. If you don't have a blender; chuck it in a bowl and mash. 
  2. Add oats, cacao powder, egg and mix. 
  3. To get the correct consistency, add a splash of milk or water. Add vanilla essence and mix. 
  4. Option - if you would like to thicken the mix slightly, add 1 tablespoon of plain flour and mix. 
  5. Place oil or knob of butter into a frying pan. Add a little of the pancake mixture and fry.
  6. Repeat this until all raw mixture has been cooked. 
  7. Slice the remainder of the Banana and place onto the cooked pancakes.
You can add any toppings of your choice! I love to add chocolate shavings and berries 🤤 The berries I use are frozen, which I cook in a frying pan with water to soften and create a sauce - a picture is worth a thousand words!

Give them a try and let me know what you think! If anyone recommends any toppings please comment below - sharing is caring after all! 😊

Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you have learnt something new (even if it's just the recipe 😄). Have a lovely week and please remember; a healthy body equals a healthy mind. 

Alice ❤


  1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Proud babee ❤️

  2. I liked the creative , quick and healthy side of your culinary take. Lovely meal to start the day

  3. Yum! My 2-year-old daughter LOVES these!

  4. Totally agree with hating the word diet! Should be removed from the dictionary!

    1. People need to realise that diet actually means lifestyle.


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