Raw and Real

Raw and Real

Hi guys and welcome to Blog #4. 

This week I wanted to talk about mindfulness and how it relates to your food and not just how you are feeling, but in all honestly my mind hasn't been in the right place most of the week, which means my food choices haven't been great. And the last thing I want to do is try to give others advice when I can't take it myself.. a tad hypocritical of me. But we all have those days, weeks and/or months so it's only human to feel this way. So rather than talk about mindfulness I'd like to be raw and real and talk about mental health. Sounds depressing and very different from previous blogs but this is real life and a major part of your health is what's happening up there. It is just as important (if not more) than the physical aspects. It's time to check in. 

The one question Luis has kept asking me this week is; "What's wrong?" And to be honest, I can't give him a straight answer. Sometimes I just don't know. Who else has felt like that? You know that you feel down and sad and maybe even slightly numb, almost as if you are just existing and yet you can't pin point what triggered it. That's how I have felt this week. Stuck in a rut, same shit different day, not living just existing. And then just when I couldn't feel more shit, I manage to excel and overthink the tiniest things, resulting in feeling alone, not wanted, worthless and self loathing. This fuelled the emotional eating. Well done Alice. Again, I have no idea what triggered this and the same goes for many other people. We just have these moments. If you are feeling or have felt the same then please be reassured it is normal to feel like this from time to time and that it's okay to feel what you are feeling no matter how big or small the issue is. You ain't a fucking robot. It's okay to have down days and do nothing but it's not okay to beat yourself up. You are a lot stronger than what you think and can overcome the mental challenges by having structure and focusing on yourself.

What I mean by structure is routine. Like I said previously, it's okay to do nothing whilst you're feeling down and sad but you do not want to do nothing forever otherwise, it will become the norm and this will be the vicious cycle that will be hard to get out of. After you have had a few days to check in with yourself, try and start doing little things that are a part of your routine. This could be something as simple as doing your hair and making your bed. As little as these sound, they will boost your self esteem and make you feel more like a human rather than a zombie. Bit by bit you will get back to the normal you. I know it is easier said than done but you will get there, just take it at your own pace. 

To help me feel more like myself I have done quite a lot of walking this week. I have dogs and they need to be exercised so that's my driving force to getting off my arse. I find listening to music or a podcast helps me get out of my own head. This as well as the fresh air makes me feel so much better (that's if the dogs don't act like complete nut jobs, which is like 90% of the time). The plus side to having dogs (besides them being cute) is cuddling them. It's been proven that being around animals can ease anxiety and stress, so if you've not got one go to your friends or family who have or better still, head to the local animal shelter and spend some time there. 
Feeling alone, unworthy and self-conscious was fuelled by social media. Seeing everyone having a great time on Facebook made me feel as if my own life was just crap. No plans so nothing to look forward to, friends being busy so feeling alone and not wanted. Feeling bloated and fat so I hated what I saw in the mirror, which lead to emotional snacking. When that vicious cycle kicked in, I distanced myself from social media and picked up a book instead. Reading got me out of my own world and into someone else's, in this case, the authors. We all know that people only post 'living their best life' on social media but its so easy to forget that when you feel so low. So please, if you are feeling like this distance yourself from it and spend your time doing something you like.

It is important to take some time for you. Focus on the little things that make you feel better and the bigger things will come. Be kind to yourself. Self care goes a long way, not just for you but for the people around you. They're like dogs; they sense it. No matter how hard it feels, you are not alone and there is always someone willing to listen whenever you feel ready to talk. A problem shared is a problem halved. 

Much love to those that need it - You've got this. 



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