The Blurb

The Blurb. 

Hi guys and welcome to my first ever blog - it's a bit scary! 

As you've probably guessed, this blog is about health and fitness but more importantly, loving you and your body. I am no expert, I don't have a degree in the health sector nor am I a personal trainer. Just a girl who managed to put down the chocolate (well, most of the time) and somehow turned fitness from a chore into a hobby (god knows how the heck that happened 🤷). 

Throughout the blogs I create, I will be sharing tips that have helped me to go from a size 16/18 to a size 10 and will provide reviews on the best gym wear and equipment. And no, you do not need to be in the bloody gym for hours on end! My biggest transformation occurred in the comfort of my own home (thanks to Heather Robertson - go and check out her YouTube vids!). 

I would like this blog to be a safe place, where overtime we can all come to terms with our insecurities (stupid word) and support one another to be a better version of ourselves. Some may need the confidence to kick start their journey and others may just need a gentle push to get the motivation back. Regardless what category you are in, you've got this 👊💪 In order to do all of this, I know I need to share first with a little introduction and tell you about myself. I have never known how to answer the question 'so tell me about yourself?' Who the heck does?! If anyone does please let me know in the comments!

Anyway, here goes..

My name is Alice (Philippa is my middle name) and I am 25 years old. I currently work in a Laboratory and enjoy doing fitness in my spare time. It's so good for the mental health! The fitness is a lot easier than the health part (for me anyway) as I have very little willpower when it comes to food 😂😭
I enjoy baking and as much as I try to bake healthier alternatives, there is nothing like a sugar filled brownie with full fat ice cream (the fat girl is still there!). I also love to read - knowledge is power, but most importantly I love dogs. Dogs are life, God's children.. MY children (yep, crazy dog lady right here ✋). And I guess Luis, my boyf is ok too. 

I first got into fitness in college. Typical really - beautiful, skinny girls around me and I just saw myself as a fat mess because I was. At 14st 8lbs I hated myself. Every single inch of my body. Every fucking cell. I was stuck in a rut and to cheer myself up I stuffed my face. It was a vicious cycle. Back then food was the only thing that didn't let me down but now I realise that it did as I was feeding my own misery; a feeling I'm sure most people have felt more than once in their life. My prom photo was the thing that kicked me up the arse and into action. A size 16 in a floaty dress I looked like a size 26.. I don't know what I was thinking! That was my turning point, the point I realised that in order to stop hating myself I needed to stop feeding myself and wallowing in my own pity. I had to put down the chocolate, doughnuts, sausage rolls, cheese.. oh sweet by Jesus CHEESE.. one of God's greatest creations 🙌 (again, fat girl is still there) and to take back control. I wanted to at least like (and maybe love) myself for the first time in forever. That shit is hard! Even after all these years and 4 stone down I'm still not there but I'm closer and within touching distance. 

Deep down, its not what the scales say, it's all up there and how we speak to ourselves about ourselves. We are all beautiful no matter what society says and I want to help other people to realise that about themselves. As we get older, fitness is ultimately about feeling great both physically and mentally rather than looking great. As time has progressed I have come to the realisation that health and fitness is all about the mind and that looking great is a perk to it all. A healthy, happy mind equals a healthy you. We all deserve to feel healthy and happy and to love ourselves as that is the foundation AND formula for confidence. It's born from within. Like I said before I am still getting there, it's not something that comes overnight. It takes time, consistency and dedication. If you want it enough you will achieve it. 
So I will leave you with this; to love one self is to free one self. 

Thank you so much for reading and please let me know what you think in the comments! Any suggestions on what you would like me to talk about is always welcome! 😊

Alice ❤


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